Xah Keyboard Blog

The day I lost Ctrl.

Spent a few hours here?

Note: all amazon links are affiliate link.

Update Highlights

nulea trackball 55m 2024-12-14 at 22.38.47
nulea trackball 55m 2024-12-14 at 22.38.47

2024-11-10 bought car jump starter, ipad case, laptop stand, usb drive lanyard

xah lee bought 2024-11-12 084941
xah lee bought 2024-11-12 084941
ProCase iPad 9th case 2024-11-12 084429
ProCase iPad 9th case 2024-11-12 084429 Buy at amazon
NOCO Boost Plus GB40 Car Jump Starter 2024-11-12 085108
Tonmom laptop stand 2024-11-12 085151

set up Hover Mouse Auto Click. hand pain saver.

some random minor updates



End of an era. Microsoft stops making ergonomic keyboards. 1994 to 2023. rumor is that, another company, bought the right to continue make some of them.


Started to ditch PowerToys, and use AHK instead. PowerToys is becoming bloated.



updated. more update to come.

Keychron M6 mouse 2Xkym
Keychron M6 mouse 2Xkym

Glove80 Keyboard with linear 30g force switch

glove80 cherry blossom switch 2024-08-19
glove80 cherry blossom switch 2024-08-19
Logitech Casa Pop Keyboard 2024-08-07 Rc52y
Logitech Casa Pop Keyboard 2024-08-07 Rc52y

Gateron KS-33 Low Profile 2.0 Switches

linux, mouse scroll wheel acceleration

albertz mouse scroll acc 2024-07-25 20940
albertz mouse scroll acc 2024-07-25 20940 https://github.com/albertz/mouse-scroll-wheel-acceleration-userspace
linus input remapper 2024-07-25 zKHGP
linux uncap capslock 2024-07-28
linux uncap capslock 2024-07-28

MacBook Air M2 keyboard touch lightness


random updates

how to press keys to avoid Repetitive Strain Injury

assuming a normal keyboard or laptop keyboard,


xtodo xtodo

The uhk, a product of love. Deep hacker love. Its software, is the best, and updated every year.

It is the most, easy to use, robost, and best in all aspects. And when it comes to update or firmware update, it's automatic. Just click a button from the automatic notification, it's all done.

uhk firmware 2024-06-27
uhk firmware 2024-06-27

here's my current layout. i use it as a keyboard macro pad.

uhk 2024-06-27
uhk 2024-06-27



some minor updates.

xtodo review

Optimot Keyboard Layout

optimot keyboard layout 2024-02-08 204954
optimot keyboard layout 2024-02-08 204954

major updates

major re-org of the index pages. now each has a topic box at bottom.

new pages

new and updates

major update