AutoHotkey Tutorial
What is AutoHotkey
AutoHotkey is a keyboard macro software for Microsoft Windows. It is free.
For example, you can:
- Set F8 to launch browser, and just switch to it if it is already running.
- Set F3 to Copy, F4 to Paste, F12 to close a browser tab.
- Swap Alt and Ctrl keys.
- Disable ❖ Window key, or CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock keys, or make them do something useful.
- Set a key to insert today's date.
- Set a key to insert template text, such as your address.
Download AutoHotkey
Download at
Create Script
To create a AHK script, copy paste the following text into a file, save and name it test.ahk
; launch Notepad Run Notepad
Run Script
To run ahk script, double click it.
Exit AutoHotkey
Right-click on the AutoHotkey icon in taskbar, and pull a menu to exit the script.
If you exit, your hotkeys will not work anymore.
Start an AutoHotkey Script When Windows Starts
AutoHotkey mode for Emacs
If you use Emacs, you can use a AutoHotkey mode i wrote. It fixes some problems i found in the bundled ahk mode. Get it at Emacs: Xah AutoHotkey Mode 📦 .