How to Program Number Keypad as Function Keys

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This page shows you how to set the numberpad keys as function keys, for {Windows, Linux, Mac}. For example, set a key to copy, paste, switch to browser, close tab, etc.

havit keyboard 20210307 s50 numpad
Windows keyboard numerical keypad

Microsoft Windows

First, you need to install AutoHotkey. 〔see AutoHotkey Tutorial

Create a file with the following content.

; set number pad keys
NumpadDiv::Send ^{PgUp} ; previous tab
NumpadMult::Send ^{PgDn} ; next tab
NumpadSub::Send ^w ; close window

Name the file “numpad_keys.ahk”.

Now, double click the file to run it. It will run in the background, and now you can press the / * to switch to pre/next tab, and - to close tab.

Put a file shortcut of the script in the auto start directory. See Windows: Add App to Auto Start


Use Karabiner-Elements to program the keys. 〔see Mac: Keyboard Software Guide


For Linux, there are 2 things you need to do.

  1. Set a key to run a shell command.
  2. The shell command does action. It can send key combination such as Ctrl+c, or {switch, close, launch, etc} {windows, apps, tabs, etc}.

For major Linux desktops such as Gnome, KDE, Xfce , there's a GUI that lets you easily set a key to run a shell command. Look for it in your system control panel.

xfce window manager keys panel 2017-02-04
xfce window manager keys panel 2017-02-04 Linux: Xfce Keyboard Shortcuts

I recommend using the desktop GUI to set a key. Otherwise, you can use xbindkeys. See Linux: xbindkeys Tutorial

For {switch, open, close} windows, see Linux: Add Keyboard Shortcut to Switch App

For sending key combinations, use xvkbd. See Linux: xvkbd tutorial


Emacs: Bind Number Pad Keys

Programable Keypad