Keyboard Enter/Return Key Symbol

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Some Unicode symbols used to represent the Enter key on keyboards:

I took a quick survey of keyboards to see what graphics symbol they use, or none.

Sharp Corner Return Arrow

All Microsoft keyboards uses a thin turned arrow with a sharp 90° corner. This is the most popular graphic symbol used. If a keyboard use a return arrow symbol, it's usually with sharp 90° corner like this. Microsoft has a long horizontal line, but others may not. Some uses a big filled arrow-head.

Microsoft digital media keyboard 3000 enter key
Almost all Microsoft keyboards uses this icon and text for the Enter key.

Examples of keyboards using return arrow with sharp corner:

[see Keyboards without Numeric Keypad]

Sun Microsystems Type 6 keyboard meta
Sun Microsystems Type 6 Keyboard

Outlined Return Arrow

The RETURN SYMBOL , with outline graphics, is used on some, but relatively rare..

utron keyboard 02
μTRON Keyboard

Hooked Return Arrow


Apple Keyboard A1016 Russian layout
Apple Keyboard A1016 with Russian layout.

Apple Keyboards use this. Apple Keyboards usually do not have a glyph for the Enter key. But for European layouts, they do. On euro versions, keys such as {home/end, page up/down, return/enter, delete, tab, shift}, are all using a graphic symbol, and no text. [see Apple Keyboard Gallery]

Key Label