Happy Hacking Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The Idiocy of Happy Hacking Keyboard

There is a computer keyboard, called the Happy Hacking keyboard (aka HHKB). It is a keyboard often loved by “hackers”, and is one of the most idiotic keyboard. Let me count the ways.

happy hacking keyboard pro2 KbXnk2-s1000
Happy Hacking Keyboard model Professional 2. 5312×2583

Missing 12 Function Keys

It lacks 12 function keys. TWELVE of them! One, two, three, …, four, five, six, and more. Continue counting: seven, and eight and nine. Then, we add another digit to hit 10 in a decimal system. Then, eleven as in Seven-Eleven, and twelve, as in: twelve days of Christmas. Twelve programable keys down the drain! What to do if you need them? You have to press 2 keys: Fn+key. What happened to the concept of efficiency?

Missing Page Navigation Keys and 20 Extra Function Keys

Bygone are the extremely convenient dedicated page navigation keys: Home, End, PageUp, PageDown.

Of course, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause keys, and the entire set of 17 keys on number-keypad are gone too. Sure, you can do without them, but for programers, that's another 17 programable function keys down the drain.

Happy Hacking Keyboard is supposed to be used by hackers, right?

No Arrow Keys!

google pacman
Google Pacman

Can you play pacman while eating pizza?

Missing Modifier Keys

happy hacking keyboard pro2 ghosTM55
happy hacking keyboard pro2 ghosTM55

Ok, now you lost 36 keys to automate your work. To make up the lost keys, the Control Alt Meta Super must be going strong on the HHKB.

There's Alt and Ctrl, ok, and there's Meta and Fn. Where's my Super and Hyper keys?

On a china cheapo mech, there are one more modifier keys than the $260 Happy Hacking. What The Fuck?!

~$260 HHKB Pro, you have:

1 Ctrl, 2 Alt, 2 Meta. (the Fn can't count here because it is hard-wired in the keyboard circuitry thus the OS doesn't see it so you can't remap them.) That's a total of 5 modifiers.

On a china cheapo, you have:

2 Ctrl, 2 Alt, 1 Meta, 1 CapsLock. That's a total of 6 modifiers, all of them can be individually remapped by software on {Linux, Windows, Mac}.

kemove k68 20220430 550
kemove k68 20220430 550 KEMOVE K68 Butterfly Keyboard

Non-Symmetric Position of Modifier Keys

If you look at the distance from F to the left Meta versus J to the right Meta, you see that they are not symmetric. The right side modifer requires you to curl your thumb deeper.

Most PC keyboards after year ~2005 have the modifier keys symmetrically positioned. (e.g. all Microsoft Keyboards around 2011. [see Microsoft Keyboards ⌨])

Incompetent Layout for Linux, Vi, Emacs

if you are a linux, vi, emacs, user, the hhkb layout is inefficient.

happy hacking lite2 keyboard us layout
Happy Hacking keyboard US layout.

Each of these key positions are actually inferior to optimal. For example, if you are vi user, the optimal position for Escape is where the PC keyboard's CapsLock is at, or, one of the big Alt right under thumb (a design point popularized by Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard ).

If you are a emacs user, the optimal position for Ctrl is the 2 big Alt key on Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard right under your thumbs, 2 of them, symmetrically placed, pressed by a strong finger thumb.

Topre Key Switch Mechanism

The “Professional” model of the HHKB uses Topre switch.


If you want a keyboard similar to HHKB, i consider the following better.


girls holding Happy Hacking Keyboard Japan
好 Happy Hacking 喔. 2048×1598

Now, add an extra boost to your gear.

colorful vibrator keyboard 2017 03 04 92839 s
4032×2268 [image source reddit, 2017-03-04] Buy at amazon

xah talk show 2022-05-24 best stylus, pen input, trackball, and why happy hacking keyboard sucks

xah talk show 2022-05-24 best stylus, pen input, trackball, and why happy hacking keyboard sucks

Where to Buy

Reddit Discussion

this article, been on reddit several times.

Hacker Lore Keyboards