How Do French People Type Accented Characters?

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

I asked a friend in France how they type those accents. Here's his reply.

How do French people type accents?

most people use French AZERTY Layout 's accents on the number row:

  • 2é
  • 7è
  • 9ç
  • 0à

for the rest there is ù key beside m and Dead Keys on the right of P:

  • ¨ eë
  • ˆ eê

Using Dvorak layout on OS X i use the associative chars ` ´ ¨ ˆ ˆ with option key plus a o e u i .

all the people i know, engineers/scientists tend to stick with French AZERTY Layout ,while some geeks/coders are using QWERTY/Maltron [see Maltron Keyboard] .some authors use Bepo Layout (French) .


when in online chat, do people bother to type é è à etc properly? or do they just use e a?

Depends on the person but most of the time they type the accents, even when it's not really useful like: 'télé'(TV)

it seems awful to type all those accents. Is there some auto-add-accent in word processor?

I'm amazed how French are not annoyed by having to always go up there. In word proccessors yes auto-correct takes care of invariable accents.

What Happens If French Remove Accent Marks

lol. grok on french sans accent marks

grok remove french accent 2024-04-30
grok remove french accent 2024-04-30

French layouts