Mouse with Spin Wheel

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Logitech Mouse Spin Wheel

Logitech came up with mouse wheel that spins.

logitech g502 201811 spin wheel 317

Its wheel has 2 modes. Notched vs spin. There's a button below the wheel that lets you toggle the mode.

Logitech calls it Hyper Wheel.

In spin mode, it will keep spinning. Can spin for 28 seconds!

Why You Need Spin Wheel

Spinning is extremely useful when you don't have accelerated scroll.

If you have accelerated scroll, you can scroll a long page by just a few fast flicks. And you can comfortably control the rate to stop at any position of the page.

If you don't have accelerated scroll. You have to push the wheel some 30 times, or move hand to keyboard and use PageUp PageDown keys. Using page keys jump by screenful, then you have to use arrow keys to position it, or back to scroll wheel.

(long pages are common. Most social network sites, Facebook, Twitter, by default has long pages, and when you hit bottom it expands, aka infinite scroll.)

Mouse Accelerated Scroll

How to Chose a Mouse

Spinning things