qwpr Keyboard Layout

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

qwpr layout came out in 2013, created by Jameson Quinn. (he sent me his layout https://plus.google.com/116662972767974604432/posts)

This layout is similar to QWERTY, only 11 letter key changed. But it also define layers to let you type some math symbols, and cursor movement.

qwpr layout 2024-04-20
qwpr layout 2024-04-20
qwpr keyboard layout by Jameson Quinn 3
the qwpr layout, and some of its layers.

note: Colemak moved 17 keys.

one interesting feature of qwpr layout is that it incorporates navigation keys ( ) and also Tab and Return in one of the layer. Also, it lets you type many language chars (e.g. é ü ñ …) and Unicode symbols.