Colemak Layout (2005)
Colemak (2005)
Colemak layout is designed by Shai Coleman. His home page first appeared at least in 2005-11.
- home page
- Colemak is designed for easy transition from QWERTY.
- 17 keys are different from QWERTY Layout.
- Colemak is the one that popularized keyboard layout design craze, with its website hosting a discussion forum.
- Colemak layout is aggressively marketed. Colemak layout is now in Linux and also in Mac OS X 10.7 (released on 2011-07-20).
Before Colemak, people who want QWERTY alternative simply points to Dvorak Keyboard Layout , without question. But with Colemak, it shows that a layout equally efficient to Dvorak is still possible. Colemak's rise to fame is its claim of easy to switch from QWERTY, and keeping QWERTY's undo cut copy paste key shortcuts, and claims to be more efficient than Dvorak. ใsee Dvorak vs Colemakใ
Colemak DH (2014)
Colemak DH fixes the problem of right hand index finger moving too much to the center to press h.
this is inspired from Workman Keyboard Layout (2010)
- home page
Keyboard Layout Design ๐
- Ergonomic keyboard Layouts
- Thumb Keyboard Layouts
- Most Efficient Layout?
- QWERTY Layout
- Dvorak Layout
- Maltron vs Dvorak
- Colemak Layout (2005)
- Workman Layout (2010)