Xah Programing Blog Archive 2023-07




python zip, blog

print(list(zip([1,2,3], ["a","b","c"])))
# [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

print(list(zip([1,2,3], ["a","b","c"], ["x","y","z"])))
# [(1, 'a', 'x'), (2, 'b', 'y'), (3, 'c', 'z')]
exif 2023-12-27 SMbPD
exif 2023-12-27 SMbPD

major update

minor update

lots update

Microsoft PowerToys is becoming bloated

xtodo review

lots updates

Advent of Code Day 2 WolframLang 2023-12-07
Advent of Code Day 2 WolframLang 2023-12-07

Transliterate Chinese

Amazing. WolframLang can transliterate any language. This feature is not available in the free WolframScript though, apparently. [see WolframScript Tutorial]

Transliterate[ "่ฏ•่ฏ•็œ‹ไธญๆ–‡" ]
WolframLang transliterate chinese 2023-12-10
WolframLang transliterate chinese 2023-12-10
chatgpt transliterate chinese 2023-12-10
chatgpt transliterate chinese 2023-12-10

lots updates.

massive update, on WolframLang association data structure.

On RSS (webfeed) and Blogging

revived and updated all my webfeeds for my blogs.

there are 12 of them.

xah webfeeds 2023-12-01
xah webfeeds 2023-12-01

you can find them on xahlee.info and xahlee.org , except on 3 of them, hidden from easy access as filter of the superficial drama seekers.

xah webfeed subscribe 2023-12-01
xah webfeed subscribe 2023-12-01

if you are a blogger, see

Asking ChatGPT to Suggest a Tagline for Web Dev Blog

asking chatgpt to suggest a tagline for my webdev blog. Though, the answers it gave lacks sting and poetic quality.

chatgpt suggest tagline 2023-11-30
chatgpt suggest tagline 2023-11-30

I decided on: โ€œCODING CANCERโ€

xah webdev blog coding cancer 2023-12-01
xah webdev blog coding cancer 2023-12-01
Microsoft visual cpp error 023-11-15
Microsoft visual cpp error 023-11-15.
msvc redist 2023-11-17 yRBPN
msvc redist 2023-11-17 yRBPN

Microsoft Windows update problem

.chm file, opened by Microsoftยฎ HTML Help at C:/Windows/hh.exe

lambda calculus 2023-10-28 r6v4
lambda calculus 2023-10-28 r6v4
combinator s wolfram 2023-10-28
combinator s wolfram 2023-10-28
combinator 2023-10-28 fVqs
combinator 2023-10-28 fVqs

machine learning to solve polynomial

xah thanks surfing around 2023-10-01 fm3Q
xah thanks surfing around 2023-10-01 fm3Q
xah thanks surfing around 2023-09-25 3tdM
xah thanks surfing around 2023-09-25 3tdM

Aza Raskin

Aza Raskin, not a good person. connection with usa deepstate, and obsession of โ€œhelping humanityโ€, like the rise of Google Empire, and responsible for the downfall of Firefox user interface since about 2010.

Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 182251
Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 182251
Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 193836
Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 193836
Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 202141
Aza Raskin 2023-09-22 202141

WolframLang is back

Mathematica 13.2 2023-09-22
Mathematica 13.2 2023-09-22

hackers, tech geekers, ripgrep

xah discord hacker ripgrep 2023-08-26 1
xah discord hacker ripgrep 2023-08-26 1
xah discord hacker ripgrep 2023-08-26 2
xah discord hacker ripgrep 2023-08-26 2
// extreme js functional programing

// before

for (
  let xkey of xsstr.split(/ +/).reduce(
    (xmap, xstr) =>
        (k, v) => (v.indexOf(xstr) !== -1),
) {
  if (xFoundChars.length <= MAX_RESULT_COUNT) {

// after

xFoundChars = [
  ...(xsstr.split(/ +/).reduce(
    (xmap, xstr) =>
        (k, v) => (v.indexOf(xstr) !== -1),

minor update on my 8 years old clojure tutorial. mostly cleaning up formatting, and separate sections into their own pages.

git doc sucks 2023-07-03 b88F
git doc sucks 2023-07-03 b88F