Donald Knuth on chatGPT

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Donald Knuth's impression of chatGPT and analysis of its answers.

I myself shall certainly continue to leave such research to others, and to devote my time to developing concepts that are authentic and trustworthy. And I hope you do the same.

Best regards, Don

Donald Knuth on chatGPT

Preface: Since one of today's popular recreations is to play with chatGPT, I decided on 07 April 2023 to try my own little experiment, as part of a correspondence with Stephen Wolfram.

The results were sufficiently interesting that I passed them on to a few friends the next day, and I've also been mentioning them in conversation when the topic comes up.

So I was asked to post the story online, and here it is (lightly edited)! -- Don Knuth PS: I did not edit my questions or the computer's answers, only my own commentary at the end.

Knuth's 20 Questions for ChatGPT
