Xah Math
Math Visualization
Algorithmic Mathematical Art
- Algorithmic Mathematical Art
- Celtic Knots, Truchet tiles, Combinatorial Patterns
- kolam pattern
- uniform honeycomb
- Space-Filling Curve
- Art of M C Escher
- Escher Chameleon Polyhedron
- Knitting, Chinese Knots, Braid Theory
- Spheres and Cubes Study
- Tiling Gallery
- Math Tiling Automata Morph
- Doyle Spiral and Mobius Transformation
- Geometric Pattern on Sphere and Torus
- Math Art: Fractal Gears Clockwork
Drawing, Computer Graphics, Visualization, Illusion, Related
misc math blogs
Math Toys, Math Games
misc math nerd fun
Real Life Pretty Math
Math Notes
- Combinatorial Exploration of Algebraic structures
- the Nature of Associative Property of Algebra
- The Significance of Complex Numbers: Frobenius Theorem
- The Geometric Significance of Complex Conjugate
- Understanding Complex Numbers
- 1+2+3+4+… = -1/12, Ramanujan's Sum 📺
- What is the Nature of Eigenvector?
- the Nature of Linear Transformation
Math Notation, Syntax, Formal Language
- Math Notation, Computer Language Syntax, and the “Form” in Formalism
- The Codification of Mathematics
- Mathematician, Alexander Grothendieck = Obi-Wan
- Mathematician Grigori Perelman, Decline 1 Million Prize
- Mathematician: Yitang Zhang, Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru
- Math Politics: Simon Plouffe and nth Digit Formula of π
- Math Prizes and Nobel Ignobility
- Martin Gardner (1914 to 2010) Remembrance
- Russell Towle Died (1949 to 2008)
- Mathematician Marijke Van Gans Died (1955 to 2009)
- Mathematicians Interview
- Mathematician John Baez
Misc Random Notes
- Euler Angles Can Cause Gimbal Lock, But Not Quaternions
- Bird Flight V Formation as Geometry Problem of Max Visual Contact
- On the Nomenclature of Eigenvector and the Igon Value Problem
- What is Difference Set of a Group
- What is Riemann Surface? Understanding the Concept Without Math
- Klein Bottle Checker Board Paradox
- Learning Notes Of Symmetric Space and Differential Geometry Topics
- Reading Notes on Nicolas Bourbaki
- What is Quadratic Form in Math?
- Xah Math Notes
- English/Chinese Math Terminology 中/英 数学术语
- Orbits in Juggling's Siteswap Notation
- Bejeweled Blitz Strategy as Math
- Geometry: Ellipses, Linkages, Solids of Constant Width 📺
- Plants vs Zombie; Thoughts on Strategy and Game Formulation
- Why Are Scores in Video Games Mega Huge?
- What is a Year? Why Not Just 100 Days?
- What Voting Systems are There?
- Modeling Math Problem Into a Question in Formal Language
- ID String, Radix vs Length
- math simulation ideas
- ants, insects, decentralized systems
- Notes On Plane Curves and Proofs
- Principia Mathematica
- Theory Of Equations
- Review of Khan Academy by Xah Lee
- The Logical Levels of Interpretation
- Math Formula For Beauty
- Dead Reckoning in a Non-Orientable 3D Space
- Math, Algebra: On the Phraseology of X Over K
- Schmidt Arrangement, Algebra Integer, Gaussian Integer, Eisenstein Integer, Modular Group
- Extending the Euclidean Plane: Riemann Sphere and Real Projective Plane
- Combinatorics, Algorithm, and Humanity
- Go Game: Google AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol
- Geometer's Sketchpad Closed Shop?
- Xah's Top 10 Math Wonders