Stereographic Projection

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
Stereographic Projection 2023-03-07
Stereographic Projection. Associating points on the plane and points on the sphere.
xgridLen = 0.2;
xBoundary = 2;

projectF = ( With[{xx = 1 + #.#}, {#[[1]]/xx, #[[2]]/xx, 1 - 1/xx}] &);

grid2d = Table[{Hue[0], Line[{{x, y}, {x, y + xgridLen}}], GrayLevel[ 0.5 ],
    Line[{{x, y}, {x + xgridLen, y}}]}, {x, -xBoundary, xBoundary, xgridLen}, {y, -xBoundary,
     xBoundary, xgridLen}];


grid3d = grid2d /. Line[xpts_] :> Line[(({#[[1]],#[[2]],0}) &) /@ xpts];

xball = grid2d /. Line[xpts_] :> Line[projectF /@ xpts];


Graphics3D[{grid3d, xball}]

sqrCorners = ({{0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}} xgridLen) ;

patch2dRed = { Red, Polygon[ ((#+{0, -4} xgridLen) &) /@ sqrCorners ]}
patch2dGreen = { Green, Polygon[ ((#+{2, -4} xgridLen) &) /@ sqrCorners ]}
patch2dBlue = {Blue, Polygon[ ((#+{4, -4} xgridLen) &) /@ sqrCorners ]}
patches2d = {patch2dRed, patch2dGreen, patch2dBlue};

patches3d = (Replace[ {patch2dRed, patch2dGreen, patch2dBlue}, {x_, y_} -> {x, y, 0}, {-2}]);

projLines = ReplaceAll[patches3d, Polygon[pts_] :> Map[ ((Line@{{0,0,1},#}) &), pts]]

projectedPatches = (Replace[ patches2d, {x_, y_} -> projectF@{x, y}, {-2}])

Graphics3D[{grid3d, xball, patches3d }, Axes -> True]

Graphics3D[{grid3d, xball,  patches3d, projLines, projectedPatches }, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> {{-1,1} xBoundary .5 , {-1,1} xBoundary .5 , {-0.1, 1} }]

Graphics3D[{grid3d, xball, patches3d } /. Line -> Tube, Axes -> True]

Graphics3D[{grid3d, xball,  patches3d, projLines, projectedPatches }  /. Line -> Tube, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> {{-1,1} xBoundary .5 , {-1,1} xBoundary .5 , {-0.1, 1} }]

more examples:

star arrow network star arrow network rs
hexagram snowflake hexagram snowflake rs
random hex tiling random hex tiling projection
random hex tiling random hex tiling projection


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