Mathematician Adrien Douadly, and Mandelbrot Set

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Mathematician Adrien Douadly, and Mandelbrot Set

Adrien Douadly 2019-02-01 m3jr9
Adrien Douadly

this guy started research on Mandelbrot set. one major result is that the Mandelbrot set is connected. #math #geometry

Mandelbrot set cstgw
Mandelbrot set

the Mandelbrot set, is truly one of the most incredible thing in math. Incredible is the word, and amazing, cosmetic, and in a visual way too. It shows the deep mystery of math.

See also: Mandelbrot Set Explained (no complex number needed)

here's the deepest zoom. Zoom to: 3.4 * 10^1091, and the video plays for 70 minutes.

here's the deepest zoom of Mandelbrot set, Zoomed to 3.4 * 10^1091. If you zoom this much on a atom, it'd be 10 followed by 109 zeros times larger than the screen. it's 70 minutes video.

Eye of the Universe - Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (e1091) (4k 60fps)

and i always thought, if you zoom to a particular point deep enough, the face of god would suddenly appear, and the universe would blow up. It's, like, playing lottery, you wouldn't know there is no jackpot untill you played all the possible numbers. #math