Nakabayashi Digio Trackball
Nakabayashi Digio Trackball
Nakabayashi digio trackball. This came out around 2017-08.
It's small. Bluetooth wireless, 5 buttons

Marketing Blurb
- Bluetooth Trackball everyone had been waiting for put on the market. This is rare type in the Trackball market.
- Easy to carry at anywhere for not big size like other trackballs.
- No need to worry about button noise for adopted Queit Button.
- Side Buttons of ''FORWARD'' and ''BACK'' on internet (*Mac: not corresponding)
- For DETAILS, please refer to some images of English instruction on product pages. Please note that English instruction is not included with products.

Relatively high number of bad reviews on amazon. Many about bluetooth connection.
The buttons are silent. Some kinda rubber dome switch mechanism.
The scroll wheel is not notched. That is, completely smooth.
This trackball is tiny.