Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Here's the list of most useful macOS keyboard shortcuts.

Sound Volume

mission control (show all windows, switch windows)

new, open, close, save, print

copy, cut, paste, undo, redo

Safari Browser Keys

Text Editing


fullscreen Ctrl+⌘ command+f

Finder (aka folder viewer, file manager)

Show hidden file in finder ⌘ command+⌥ option+.

slide show

goto Finder. Select photos, ⌥ option+⌘ command+y


Mac Screenshot Howto

Copy File Path in Finder

There are many ways.

macOS copy file path 2020-12-06 tN7SH
macOS copy file path.
Right click then hold ⌥ option.
macOS copy file path 2020-12-06 44ypy
macOS copy file path.
Right click the path bar.


macOS input source shortcuts 2019-01-30 y65j4
macOS input source shortcuts 2019-01-30
macOS keyboard shortcuts 2019-01-30 89432
macOS keyboard shortcuts 2019-01-30
macOS display shortcuts 2019-01-30 qmxr5
macOS display shortcuts 2019-01-30
macOS launchpad shortcuts 2019-01-30 8spxs
macOS launchpad shortcuts 2019-01-30
macOS safari file menu 2019-01-30 bjv9c
macOS safari file menu 2019-01-30
macOS safari edit menu 2019-01-30 d9kxx
macOS safari edit menu 2019-01-30
macOS edit safari view menu 2019-01-30 4c94x
macOS edit safari view menu 2019-01-30
macOS mission control keys 2019-01-30 s73rp
macOS mission control keys 2019-01-30

Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac Keyboard Guide
