JS: Show Prototype Chain 🚀

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Here is a function that returns any object's Prototype Chain as array.

Take any object, returns a array, the order of elements shows the proto chain. First element is obj itself, last element is root.
Version 2020-06-25
const xah_get_proto_chain = ((x) => {
  const result = [x];
  let t = x;
  while ((t = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(t)) !== null) result.push(t);
  return result;
// test

const x1 = {k:1};
const x2 = Object.create (x1);
x2.k = 2;
const x3 = Object.create (x2);
x3.k = 3;

console.log( xah_get_proto_chain( x3 ) );
// [ { k: 3 }, { k: 2 }, { k: 1 }, {} ]

// --------------------------------------------------
// standard builtin objects

console.log( xah_get_proto_chain([3,4]) );
// [ [ 3, 4 ], [], {} ]

console.log( xah_get_proto_chain({p:1}) );
// [ { p: 1 }, {} ]

console.log( xah_get_proto_chain( function f () { return 3 }) );
// [ [Function: f], [Function], {} ]

console.log( xah_get_proto_chain( new Date()) );
// [ 2020-06-25T15:50:29.679Z, Date {}, {} ]

// note, nodejs prints Object.prototype as {}, same as a newly created object, even though they are different object

console.log( Object.prototype ); // {}

// similarly, Array.prototype prints as [], etc.

JavaScript, Object and Inheritance

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