JS: Swap Object Key Value 🚀

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Here is a function that reverse the key/value of object.

That is, value become key, vice versa.

return a new object that has its key and value swapped.
If values are not unique, the previous is overwritten.
Only enumerable key and string key counts.
URL http://xahlee.info/js/js_reverse_obj_key_val.html Version: 2018-06-04 2023-10-11
const xah_swap_obj_key_val = ((xObj) => {
  const xnew = {};
  Object.keys(xObj).forEach((x) => {
    xnew[xObj[x]] = x;
  return xnew;

// ssss---------------------------------------------------
// test

const xx = { a: 1, b: 2 };

  JSON.stringify(xah_swap_obj_key_val(xx)) ===

JavaScript, Reverse Key Value

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