JS: Reflect.construct

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

New in JS2015.

Reflect.construct(C, [a1, a2, etc])

same as new C(a1, a2, etc).

  • Reflect.construct is like the Operator “new” but in a functional notation.
  • This is useful for functional programing. For example, apply this function to a array to generate a array objects.
console.log( Reflect.construct ( Date, [] ) );
// 2020-09-09T04:25:05.378Z
Reflect.construct(C, [a1, a2, etc], C2)

Use C2's prototype mechanism for the result object's prototype. That is, use C to create the object, but use C2 to set the parent.

New Target Argument

Here's a example using the third argument.

const proto1 = Object.create ( Object.prototype);
proto1.k1 = "this is proto1";

const proto2 = Object.create ( Object.prototype);
proto2.k2 = "this is proto2";

// -----------
function C1 (x) { this.name = x; }
C1.prototype = proto1;

// -----------
function C2 (x) { this.name = x; }
C2.prototype = proto2;

// -----------
const r1 = Reflect.construct ( C1 , ["something"], C2 );

console.log( r1 ); // { name: "something" }
console.log( Reflect.getPrototypeOf ( r1 ) === proto2); // true
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