Golang: Walk Directory, List Files

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Functions to Traverse a Directory

Golang has 3 different functions to walk a directory.


introduced in go version 1 (2012).


💡 TIP: Slow. Don't use this.


new in go version 1.16. (2021)


💡 TIP: I recommend this.

filepath.WalkDir(dirPath, doF)

it walks dirPath, for each file or dir, it calls doF

doF is a function of type fs.WalkDirFunc you need to define. It do something for each file.


new in go version 1.16, part of the new abstract file system.

the doF Function (type WalkFunc)

The spec for type WalkFunc is this:

var doF = func(xpath string, xinfo fs.DirEntry, xerr error) error {body}

The arguments passed to the doF are:

xpath (type string)

the full path of current file or directory.

xinfo (type fs.DirEntry)

A fs.DirEntry object. It contain info about the file.

e.g. use it like this: xinfo.IsDir().


xerr (type error)

If there's a error.


Return Value of Process File Function

When there's a problem, a error is passed to doF. The function doF can do whatever with it.

doF must return one of:




If doF returns filepath.SkipDir, then filepath.WalkDir will skip it. Meaning: If current path is dir, skip it, but if current path is a file, then skip rest of files in the directory

value of type error

(error is a interface) If doF returns a error, then filepath.WalkDir returns a error. The walk is stopped

Sample Code to Walk a Dir

package main

import (

var xDir = "c:/Users/xah/web/xahlee_info/js/"

// go thru a dir and print all file name and extension

func main() {

	var doF = func(xpath string, xinfo fs.DirEntry, xerr error) error {

		// first thing to do, check error. and decide what to do about it
		if xerr != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error [%v] at a path [%q]\n", xerr, xpath)
			return xerr

		fmt.Printf("xpath: %v\n", xpath)

		// find out if it's a dir or file, if file, print info
		if xinfo.IsDir() {
			fmt.Printf("is dir.\n")
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("  dir: [%v]\n", filepath.Dir(xpath))
			fmt.Printf("  file name [%v]\n", xinfo.Name())
			fmt.Printf("  extenion: [%v]\n", filepath.Ext(xpath))

		return nil

	err := filepath.WalkDir(xDir, doF)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("error walking the path %q: %v\n", xDir, err)

Migration tip from filepath.Walk to filepath.WalkDir