xtodo Emacs Xah Packages

Xah Fly Keys

xah elisp mode


can be used for my asccify command

xah html mode

  • 2021-08-15 write xah html add attribute, class xah-html-add-attribute
  • 2021-08-16 add error checking to xah-html-toggle-syntax-color-tags
  • 2021-08-16 make xah-html-insert-tag call xah-html-blocks-to-paragraph if p
  • 2021-08-11 write xah-html-insert-class, xah-html-insert-id, xah-html-insert-style modify the tab key command so that, when it's html or style or other special, do special. look at the abbrevs
  • 2021-08-11 fix xah-html-add-parag-tags-buffer (add-hook 'xah-html-browse-url-of-buffer-hook 'xah-html-add-parag-tags-buffer)
  • 2021-04-24 modify xah-html-youtube-to-text so the url is not tu.be . explain why.
  • 2021-04-22 put to my web site. add url to the talk show. xah-html-local-links-to-fullpath, xah-html-local-links-to-relative-path
  • emacs, rewrite xah-html-change-current-tag so it works when cursor is at the closing tag and if there's nested tag.
  • 2020-09-17 make xah-html-get-precode-make-new-file also do script tag.
  • 2021-08-18 write xah-html-select-parent-element
  • 2021-07-09 write xah-html-split-element
  • 2021-06-24 in xah-html-mode, write a command to change one tag to another, in a region. xah-html-change-current-tag modify or change. possibly rewrite a version for working in a selection.
  • 2021-08-03 add a hook to xah-html-any-linkify to it can call personal linkify command such as xah-html-emacs-ref-linkify. remove call of xah-file-linkify in xah html mode
  • 2021-06-22 combine xah-html-wrap-p-tag with xah-html-wrap-html-tag, maybe

xah WolframLang mode


;; this adds too much irrelevant symbols. like 15121 total (length obarray)

;; 2023-09-18 why no work
 xx-allsyms nil
 (mapatoms (lambda (x) (push (symbol-name x) xx-allsyms)) obarray))

 (lambda (x)
   (push x xx-allsyms))
 '(3 4 5))

(length obarray)

(length xx-allsyms)

;; (length xx-allsyms )
;; 46694. on gnu emacs sans init, about 15k
;; 81516 typical xah session