Windows 10 Huge Title Bug

By Xah Lee. Date: .

2024-02-08 Something odd happened to all my windows. Giant title.

When i wake my computer, all windows title bar became huge. Have no idea why. There does not seem to be any Microsoft Windows update.

windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 204817
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 204817
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205029
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205029
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205052
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205052
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205140
windows10 title big bug 2024-02-08 205140