-*- coding: utf-8 -*- Justin Scarfy ​good morning Justin Scarfy ​it is my birthday today Nimetion Shikosico ​Hello, world! Justin Scarfy ​im buying the Kinesis Advantage2 Silver Ergonomic Keyboard Justin Scarfy ​you have the black one... B M Corser ​What do you think about commerce funding academia? What about big pharma developing drugs? Justin Scarfy ​so you are more prong to anarchism ? B M Corser ​Thank you for an interesting answer This message is held for review. Benkio ​I love when this man say "Fuck this, Fuck that" ❤ Justin Scarfy ​so you need to specify your concise meaning of words Gnu Emacs ​Local labour vs imported or outsourced labour Gnu Emacs ​Based on merit or based on diversity Xah Lee ​PC Keyboard Reviews ⌨ http://xahlee.info/kbd/keyboard_revie... Justin Scarfy ​you talk too slow ... Gnu Emacs ​But vetting information is hard, finding good quality information Justin Scarfy ​check discord i pmed you Justin Scarfy ​after this live session B M Corser ​I'm writing Wikipedia scraping code 😃 B M Corser ​(I'm a Vim user but interested in learning some Emacs) Benkio ​true, but you can just ignore and commit anyway Benkio ​it's annoying B M Corser ​Back from Rwanda, in the UK now B M Corser ​Thanks Xah 👋 Nimetion Shikosico ​thx