about 2 years worth of key log in emacs, ~2016-08 to 2018-11. This means, i type about 13.5k keys per day. Xah Lee 3849834 29.79% self-insert-command 936602 7.25% next-line t 822617 6.36% previous-line c 583111 4.51% forward-word r 503789 3.90% backward-word g 496821 3.84% xah-beginning-of-line-or-block d 450663 3.49% mwheel-scroll 419631 3.25% xah-fly-command-mode-activate 325981 2.52% xah-end-of-line-or-block s 245015 1.90% xah-fly-insert-mode-activate u 235529 1.82% isearch-printing-char 171597 1.33% xah-html-open-local-link RET 165657 1.28% xah-paste-or-paste-previous k • 43491 0.34% yank k (old) 150873 1.17% xah-close-current-buffer SPC •123052 0.95% backward-kill-word . (old) 46682 0.36% xah-backward-kill-word . 115379 0.89% backward-char h 111765 0.86% forward-char n 105492 0.82% xah-copy-line-or-region j 102349 0.79% delete-backward-char 101621 0.79% xah-next-window-or-frame w 99392 0.77% xah-delete-backward-char-or-bracket-text e 92976 0.72% xah-backward-left-bracket m 91488 0.71% newline RET 90992 0.70% xah-browse-url-of-buffer 87677 0.68% open-line o 84424 0.65% xah-shrink-whitespaces , 62528 0.48% isearch-forward b 61651 0.48% isearch-repeat-forward → 61507 0.48% xah-delete-current-text-block i • 45880 0.35% xah-delete-text-block i (old) 60931 0.47% isearch-exit esc 60293 0.47% undo f 60148 0.47% xah-forward-right-bracket v • 59184 0.46% kill-word p (old) 29392 0.23% xah-kill-word p 51327 0.40% handle-switch-frame w 48939 0.38% xah-select-block 6 48645 0.38% xah-find-previous-match ← 47637 0.37% xah-cut-line-or-region q 45478 0.35% ido-exit-minibuffer esc 44513 0.34% xah-fly-insert-mode-activate-space-before l 37377 0.29% mouse-drag-region 36984 0.29% xah-select-text-in-quote 9 35571 0.28% delete-other-windows 3 35181 0.27% exit-minibuffer esc 33881 0.26% mouse-set-point 33720 0.26% set-mark-command y 31716 0.25% dired-previous-line ↑ 31567 0.24% xah-extend-selection 8 30679 0.24% keyboard-quit C-g 28701 0.22% dired-next-line ↓ 27975 0.22% xah-next-user-buffer C-8 26723 0.21% xah-html-wrap-p-tag t 26484 0.20% xah-select-line 7 26166 0.20% xah-html-wrap-html-tag TAB 24341 0.19% scroll-up-command C-0 22328 0.17% xah-reformat-lines ' 20962 0.16% xah-insert-word-3 RET 20864 0.16% xah-open-file-fast SPC c r 20711 0.16% xah-previous-user-buffer C-7 20373 0.16% previous-line-or-history-element ↑ 20245 0.16% minibuffer-keyboard-quit esc 19798 0.15% dired-find-file RET 19536 0.15% beginning-of-buffer SPC d 19248 0.15% query-replace SPC p 18836 0.15% xah-toggle-letter-case x 18778 0.15% xah-find-next-match → 17603 0.14% xah-copy-file-path SPC 7 17050 0.13% org-self-insert-command 16031 0.12% smex a 15554 0.12% isearch-repeat-backward s-d 15528 0.12% split-window-below 4 15284 0.12% xah-select-current-line 7 15175 0.12% xah-run-current-file SPC w j 14650 0.11% eshell SPC n e 14325 0.11% dired-jump SPC m 14214 0.11% isearch-abort esc 12721 0.10% xah-find-replace-text k 12628 0.10% scroll-down-command C-9 12219 0.09% repeat SPC t t 12204 0.09% xah-html-any-linkify h 12092 0.09% xah-delete-current-file SPC w DEL 10316 0.08% xah-search-current-word SPC f 10187 0.08% xah-comment-dwim ; 10073 0.08% list-matching-lines SPC t e 10022 0.08% xah-all-linkify 9873 0.08% xah-shell-commands 9650 0.07% xah-new-empty-buffer C-n 9515 0.07% xah-cite c 9314 0.07% company-ignore 9239 0.07% xah-find-text p 9190 0.07% xah-find--jump-to-place 8435 0.07% xah-insert-paren SPC e t 8251 0.06% eshell-send-input 8193 0.06% eshell-previous-matching-input-from-input 8176 0.06% delete-char 5 7909 0.06% xah-clean-whitespace SPC t SPC 7886 0.06% describe-key SPC h k 7436 0.06% xah-unplit-window-or-next-frame 7436 0.06% xah-interactive-abbrev j 7197 0.06% dired-mark 7192 0.06% xah-insert-date SPC e u 7070 0.05% xahsite-update-article-timestamp SPC u 6984 0.05% xah-open-file-at-cursor SPC 8 6774 0.05% apply-macro-to-region-lines SPC r 6315 0.05% end-of-buffer SPC b 6226 0.05% ido-find-file C-o 6221 0.05% xah-move-image-file m 6198 0.05% xah-open-last-closed C-S-t 6165 0.05% xah-html-brackets-to-html g 6158 0.05% xah-html-update-title n 6152 0.05% xah-open-file-from-clipboard o 6144 0.05% xah-make-atom-entry SPC e 6014 0.05% xah-copy-all-or-region SPC j 5636 0.04% xah-title-case-region-or-line . 5618 0.04% ido-next-match 5566 0.04% describe-function SPC h h 5555 0.04% ido-switch-buffer SPC u 5133 0.04% ido-delete-backward-updir 5033 0.04% revert-buffer s-u 4974 0.04% xah-insert-corner-bracket「」 SPC e m 4944 0.04% xah-open-file-path-under-cursor 4915 0.04% xah-insert-space-before l 4833 0.04% xah-cycle-hyphen-underscore-space - 4683 0.04% xah-elisp-complete-or-indent 4449 0.03% forward-button 4434 0.03% xah-make-backup-and-save SPC t m 4416 0.03% recenter-top-bottom SPC l 4363 0.03% eval-last-sexp SPC w m 4362 0.03% push-button 4207 0.03% xah-insert-random-number i c 4158 0.03% xah-insert-form-feed 4079 0.03% xah-html-remove-html-tags DEL 3855 0.03% xah-html-image-linkify f 3846 0.03% xah-html-lines-to-html-list 3689 0.03% xah-html-insert-date-tag 3627 0.03% xah-html-get-precode-make-new-file 1 3597 0.03% xah-insert-double-curly-quote“” SPC e d 3533 0.03% xah-backward-quote 3492 0.03% xah-cut-all-or-region SPC q 3236 0.03% xah-html-mark-unicode 5 3181 0.02% xah-goto-matching-bracket z 2989 0.02% xah-math-input-change-to-symbol S-SPC 2972 0.02% minibuffer-complete-and-exit 2896 0.02% xah-backward-punct [ 2887 0.02% dired-toggle-read-only 2863 0.02% wdired-finish-edit 2813 0.02% xah-html-toggle-syntax-coloring-markup 2 2746 0.02% xah-html-insert-wrap-source-code m 2731 0.02% save-buffer C-s 2723 0.02% xah-insert-ascii-double-quote SPC e g 2676 0.02% xah-paste-from-register-1 SPC t 4 2649 0.02% xah-find--mouse-jump-to-place 2602 0.02% occur-mode-goto-occurrence 2598 0.02% xah-insert-square-bracket SPC e n 2555 0.02% repeat-complex-command SPC t n 2550 0.02% ispell-word SPC 9 2469 0.02% magit-section-toggle 2374 0.02% xah-html-extract-url d 2364 0.02% xah-lookup-google SPC h 3 2331 0.02% dired-copy-filename-as-kill 2220 0.02% xah-html-redo-syntax-coloring-buffer 9 2087 0.02% xah-js-smart-newline 2083 0.02% xah-insert-tortoise-shell-bracket〔〕 SPC e r 2020 0.02% quoted-insert C-q 1982 0.02% magit-stage 1969 0.02% xah-find-next-file 1916 0.01% view-echo-area-messages SPC h e 1900 0.01% xah-open-in-safari SPC t 1895 0.01% xah-dired-rename-space-to-underscore 1889 0.01% eval-defun SPC w e 1837 0.01% magit-invoke-popup-action 1832 0.01% dired-flag-file-deletion 1820 0.01% xah-upcase-sentence SPC 6 1705 0.01% other-frame ` 1650 0.01% kill-line SPC i 1615 0.01% dired-do-shell-command 1524 0.01% hippie-expand / 1520 0.01% xah-insert-single-angle-quote‹› SPC e p 1520 0.01% right-char 1467 0.01% xah-js-complete-or-indent 1438 0.01% dired-up-directory 1426 0.01% image-forward-hscroll 1420 0.01% org-return 1408 0.01% dired-do-flagged-delete 1390 0.01% delete-window SPC 3 1350 0.01% flyspell-buffer SPC n j 1322 0.01% execute-extended-command SPC RET 1288 0.01% xah-html-rename-html-inline-image 1269 0.01% xah-insert-low-line 1265 0.01% recentf-open-files SPC c h 1249 0.01% magit-status 1240 0.01% query-replace-regexp SPC t p 1227 0.01% xah-pop-local-mark-ring 0 1220 0.01% describe-variable SPC h n 1188 0.01% dired-do-rename 1159 0.01% describe-char SPC h c 1143 0.01% delete-matching-lines SPC t u 1132 0.01% xah-html-insert-br-tag 1122 0.01% xah-html-rename-source-file-path b 1116 0.01% mark-whole-buffer C-a 1107 0.01% text-scale-increase C-+ 1104 0.01% hexl-scroll-down 1096 0.01% xah-insert-brace SPC e o 1060 0.01% text-scale-adjust SPC n a 1032 0.01% xah-open-in-external-app SPC c 1020 0.01% ido-select-text 1000 0.01% xah-html-htmlize-keyboard-shortcut-notation k 975 0.01% widget-button-press 974 0.01% replace-rectangle SPC r c 963 0.01% left-char 922 0.01% shell-command SPC n 9 917 0.01% xah-copy-to-register-1 SPC t 3 904 0.01% make-frame-command C-S-n 890 0.01% xah-dired-scale-image 888 0.01% variable-pitch-mode SPC n o 876 0.01% xah-replace-straight-quotes g 827 0.01% xah-html-skip-tag-forward 818 0.01% magit-commit-popup 802 0.01% compile-goto-error 800 0.01% indent-for-tab-command SPC TAB TAB 799 0.01% xah-html-insert-date-section SPC SPC 792 0.01% xah-forward-punct ] 791 0.01% xah-forward-quote-smart 775 0.01% toggle-frame-fullscreen SPC n . 770 0.01% comment-dwim M-; 770 0.01% magit-push-popup 765 0.01% with-editor-finish 757 0.01% xah-open-in-desktop 752 0.01% xahsite-generate-sitemap 731 0.01% xah-find-previous-file 714 0.01% delete-frame SPC w w 701 0.01% kmacro-start-macro SPC r . 700 0.01% company-complete-selection 686 0.01% xah-html-mode SPC h 684 0.01% xah-lookup-word-definition SPC h 9 658 0.01% kill-rectangle SPC r g 657 0.01% dired-create-directory 657 0.01% dired-flag-backup-files 646 0.00% smex-describe-function 646 0.00% vmm 642 0.00% write-file C-S-s 636 0.00% delete-forward-char 636 0.00% scroll-bar-toolkit-scroll 618 0.00% next-line-or-history-element 612 0.00% company-select-next-or-abort 594 0.00% ibuffer SPC c e 588 0.00% isearch-delete-char 576 0.00% dired-mark-files-regexp 575 0.00% xah-css-smart-newline 560 0.00% dired-do-copy 554 0.00% xah-html-skip-tag-backward 542 0.00% elisp-index-search SPC h u 527 0.00% xah-html-html-to-text 6 518 0.00% ibuffer-visit-buffer 502 0.00% mouse-yank-primary 500 0.00% yank-pop M-y 494 0.00% widen SPC n h 494 0.00% xah-insert-random-string i t 483 0.00% xah-quote-lines SPC r u 482 0.00% linum-mode 482 0.00% ido-prev-match 482 0.00% xah-html-make-citation y 479 0.00% occur-mode-mouse-goto 477 0.00% xah-create-thumbnail-img 476 0.00% exchange-point-and-mark SPC o 453 0.00% dired-next-dirline 445 0.00% xah-insert-random-hex i h 442 0.00% xah-elisp-mode SPC e 439 0.00% dired-unmark 430 0.00% narrow-to-region SPC n n 427 0.00% magit-diff-visit-file 426 0.00% minibuffer-complete 422 0.00% xah-sync-css 422 0.00% minibuffer-complete-word 414 0.00% sort-lines SPC t . 410 0.00% describe-prefix-bindings 392 0.00% eshell-next-matching-input-from-input 391 0.00% top-level 391 0.00% whitespace-mode SPC n SPC 386 0.00% xah-copy-html-template 378 0.00% xah-copy-url-current-file SPC p 374 0.00% xah-fly-insert-mode-activate-space-after 374 0.00% ido-complete-space 367 0.00% dired-unmark-all-marks 365 0.00% org-delete-backward-char 358 0.00% insert-register SPC t k 347 0.00% kmacro-end-macro SPC r p 345 0.00% compilation-next-error 345 0.00% ms 322 0.00% xah-insert-black-lenticular-bracket【】 SPC e b 313 0.00% xah-html-dehtmlize-pre-code-buffer 0 312 0.00% save-buffers-kill-terminal SPC w q 310 0.00% undefined 308 0.00% xah-find-count 8 307 0.00% eshell-pcomplete 297 0.00% org-open-line 295 0.00% dired-toggle-marks 293 0.00% xah-insert-angle-bracket〈〉 SPC e w 293 0.00% xah-remove-wikipedia-link 288 0.00% company-select-previous-or-abort 287 0.00% dired-prev-dirline 285 0.00% icomplete-forward-completions 277 0.00% xah-show-in-desktop SPC c o 271 0.00% xah-find-replace-text-regex 9 268 0.00% xah-twitterfy u t 267 0.00% dired-do-byte-compile 261 0.00% gofmt 255 0.00% man SPC h j 255 0.00% hexl-scroll-up 252 0.00% isearch-forward-symbol-at-point SPC . p 244 0.00% magit-unstage 243 0.00% xah-html-full-size-img-linkify SPC . 242 0.00% xah-change-bracket-pairs u b 239 0.00% xah-js-mode SPC j 234 0.00% delete-non-matching-lines SPC t i 233 0.00% xah-css-mode SPC c 232 0.00% xah-insert-formfeed SPC e l 218 0.00% image-scroll-up 217 0.00% xah-css-complete-or-indent 214 0.00% eval-expression SPC w p 212 0.00% xah-forward-smart 211 0.00% xah-open-in-gimp 209 0.00% xah-process-paypal-order 208 0.00% highlight-phrase SPC . t 205 0.00% xah-forward-quote-twice 198 0.00% xah-dired-2jpg 198 0.00% xahCopyHtmlTemplate 196 0.00% xah-html-url-linkify j 188 0.00% backward-delete-char-untabify 188 0.00% scroll-lock-next-line 185 0.00% xah-insert-emacs-quote SPC e f 183 0.00% xah-html-make-link-defunct q 176 0.00% xah-html-lines-to-list c 172 0.00% bookmark-set SPC c l 172 0.00% mouse-drag-mode-line 168 0.00% flyspell-goto-next-error 165 0.00% ido-write-file 163 0.00% Info-next-reference 161 0.00% describe-mode C-h m 161 0.00% apropos-command SPC h a 161 0.00% xah-html-pdf-linkify 156 0.00% Info-follow-nearest-node 156 0.00% xah-dired-show-metadata 154 0.00% mouse-set-region 151 0.00% bookmark-bmenu-delete 150 0.00% xah-forward-quote 149 0.00% read-only-mode SPC n p 148 0.00% xah-display-page-break-as-line 147 0.00% xah-html-fix-faq 146 0.00% xah-replace-BOM-mark-etc 142 0.00% xah-delete-backward-smart 142 0.00% company-abort 141 0.00% reverse-region SPC t ' 140 0.00% toggle-debug-on-error SPC n b 138 0.00% list-packages 136 0.00% xah-remove-quotes-or-brackets u x 136 0.00% mouse-save-then-kill 135 0.00% Info-up 129 0.00% text-scale-decrease C-- 128 0.00% isearch-backward C-r 126 0.00% isearch-ring-retreat 125 0.00% xah-image-autocrop 124 0.00% xah-insert-hyphen 121 0.00% org-cycle 121 0.00% package-menu-mark-delete 120 0.00% scroll-lock-previous-line 120 0.00% xah-find-output-mode 118 0.00% bookmark-bmenu-list SPC c c 118 0.00% python-indent-dedent-line-backspace 117 0.00% ivy-next-line 117 0.00% visual-line-mode SPC n 5 114 0.00% global-display-line-numbers-mode SPC n 4 112 0.00% forward-sexp 111 0.00% backward-sexp 111 0.00% xah-dired-2drawing 109 0.00% xah-describe-major-mode SPC h m 108 0.00% left-word 107 0.00% count-words 107 0.00% ido-prev-match-dir 106 0.00% dired-unmark-backward 106 0.00% view-lossage SPC h l 105 0.00% narrow-to-defun SPC n t 105 0.00% widget-button-click 103 0.00% xah-view-emacs-manual-in-browser 103 0.00% copy-to-register SPC t j 101 0.00% xah-dired-image-autocrop 101 0.00% insert-char SPC e RET 100 0.00% ibuffer-mark-forward