Xah Web Dev Blog Archive 2017-01

Array.prototype.find (new in ES2015)

Array.prototype.fill (new in ES2015)

Function.prototype (updated for ES2015)

Array How-To (updated)

Math. Updated for ES2015. Added 15 new functions.

Firefox, a Dying Breed

browser stat 2017 01 30
web browser stat 2017-01-30. Firefox, a dying breed.

JavaScript old rant on Socket.IO. Got a comment, looks like nothing changed. probably nobody's using it today. Where is Socket.IO Client Library At?

String is 16 Bits Unit Sequence (expanded)

Check Property Existence (updated for ES2015)

JavaScript Spec, Term “instance” is Not Defined

String Constructor (new page)

new pages.

new pages.

Iterable Object (new)

Interface (new)

[A Brief History of JavaScript By Sebastián Peyrott. At https://auth0.com/blog/a-brief-history-of-javascript/ , accessed on 2017-01-18 ]

JavaScript creator on JavaScript history. [Popularity By Brendan Eich. At https://brendaneich.com/2008/04/popularity/ , accessed on 2017-01-18 ]

one of the most annoying thing about css is that there is no way to control size of font across browsers, unless you download web font.

[see Meaning of Font Size]