on meta programing

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

On Meta Programing

meta programing is a bad thing.

The text-book definition of meta programing is that you program the program. This definition is missing the gist. I explain why here.

what's some example of meta programing by definition?

however, the defining quality of meta programing is not just programing programs, but rather, doing such that you went into a zone that's outside the model of your programing language's control facilities.

in WolframLang, it's a term-rewriting system. by definition, it's meta-programing, but here you do not actually go outside the model of the language, because WolframLang's model of computation, is, rewrite programs.

a better definition of meta-programing, is program the program and going outside the programing language's model of computation.

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