Fortress programing language and Unicode

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Fortress and Unicode

It's interesting that Fortress language freely uses Unicode chars.

Fortress computer language Guy Steele
Fortress computer language

The language designer Guy Steele recently gave a very interesting talk. See: Guy Steele on Parallel Programing. In it, he showed code snippets of his language Fortress, which uses Unicode as operators.

For example, list delimiters are Unicode angle bracket , for example: ⟨1,2,3⟩. List element extraction is using . [see Matching Brackets in Unicode] It also uses the circle plus as operator. [see Math Symbols in Unicode]

Many today's languages do support Unicode in function or variable names (For example, α = 3) or function names (For example, “lambda” as “λ” or “function” as “ƒ”), or defining your own operators (For example, “⊕”). [see Unicode Support in Programing Language Function Name and Operator]