Windows: Set Chinese Pinyin to Dvorak Layout

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

If you type Chinese and use the Dvorak Keyboard Layout , here's how to set Microsoft pinyin input method to use Dvorak layout. (works in Microsoft Windows 10, Vista, 7.)

(微軟拼音輸入法 Dvorak 佈局)

Set it to Dvorak

Step 1. Press ❖ Window key, type powershell, to launch the PowerShell terminal.

Step 2. Paste the following and press enter.

# set Microsoft pinyin input system to use dvorak layout
Set-ItemProperty -Path "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\00000804" -Name "Layout File" -Value "KBDDV.DLL"

Step 3. Restart Windows.

Set it Back to QWERTY

To set it back to QWERTY, run this code:

# set Microsoft pinyin input system to use qwerty layout
Set-ItemProperty -Path "hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\00000804" -Name "Layout File" -Value "KBDUS.DLL"
PowerShell Windows pinyin registry 2021-05-23
PowerShell, setting pinyin registry

See also:

Registry Location for Asian Languages

Here is the Registry Location for other languages.

LanguageFolder NameOriginal “Layout File” value
Chinese Simplified000000804KBDUS.DLL
Chinese Traditional000000404KBDUS.DLL

Before you change, write down the original value, just in case you want to change it back.

Get Dvorak Keyboard

You can buy a Dvorak keyboard. That way, it's directly Dvorak, for any input method you chose.

[see List of Hardware Dvorak Layout Keyboards]


Not all keyboards are included in MSKLC's lists , by Michael S Kaplan. At (Note that Michael is the one who created the Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator )

See also: